Visit Great Bazaar of Isfahan

(+98) 9134245141

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Tour description

Visit Isfahan Bazar and enjoy handicrafts 

-  visit Qeysarieh great Bazaar on the northern dimension of Naghsh-e Jahan square 

-  visit other Bazaars around Naghsh-e Jahan 

-  buy amazing handicrafts of Isfahan as souvenirs 

-  be familier with rich culture of old Safavid bazaar and visit other included parts named Timcheh, Saraa, Caravansary etc. 

the tour is held by official tour guide of cultural heritage organization with complete explainations 

the price of this one-day tour is just 10 Euro 


- official tour guide accompanying you 

- free transfer from your accommodation to the Bazaar and vise-versa 

for reserve, call us on +989134245141 or send messages on whats App on the same number 


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