Traditional Medicine

(+98) 9134245141

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Tour description

Traditional Medicine history in Iran turns back to Avincenna (Abo Ali Cina) time and has direct relation with type of temper of body 

Ancient Iranians used herbal, mineral or animal drugs as well as acupuncture and Leech therapy for curing disease 

Nowadays, people again welcome traditional medicine in order to remove disease


  • you can follow us to be familiar with this kind of treatment that is used for different organs of body 
  • you can even try it through some herbal drinks and enjoy it or try Acupuncture


- official tour guide accompanying you 

- free transfer from your accommodation to the place and vise-versa 

the price of visit is just 10 Euro 

to reserve please call on +989134245141 in what’s app or send messages on the same number 


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