Mahinestan Raheb Hotel

(+98) 9134245141
31st Lane, Fazel Naraghi St, Kashan

Tap to call 9134245141


  • Bar


  • Wifi
  • Bathroom
  • Restaurant
  • Cooling Heating System
  • Parking
Property description

Shah Yalani house dates back to the time between Qajar era and first Pahlavi era, which is located at Fazel Naraghi Street, in the Centre of Darb-e-Baagh district. This monument is registered as one of national monuments with registration number 12970 on 10August2005. Shah Yalani one of old houses of Kashan is situated in Darb-e-bagh district, which its antiquity goes back to Qajar era. This house consists of 3 separate courtyards, which are called Andaruni (interior yard), Biruni (exterior yard), Khadame yard (crew yard). House is designed in two floor and 3-sided construction surrounding 2 yards. Notable architecture of this house includes two Sardab (cellar), Shahneshin (dining room), Hashti vorudi (entrance hall), Tabestani Iwan (summer porch), Zemestani Iwan (winter porch), one Badgir (wind catcher). Most of ornamentation of this house is stucco painting with Ghatarbandi and Karbandi technique. Restoration of this house is started in 1389 under supervision of master architect Mr. Seyed Akbar Helli, the restoration is accomplished in 1393, and as historical residence called Mahinestan Raheb are hosted dear guests.

single room - 01

Max people: 1
private bathroom, garden view
double/twin room - 02

Max people: 2
private bathroom, garden view
triple room - 03

Max people: 3
private bathroom, garden view
quad room - 04

Max people: 4
private bathroom, garden view

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