Atlas Hotel in Shahin Shahr is a 4-star hotel with a lot of services and facilities. The hotel consists of single, double and triple rooms and suites with requires amenities guests would need during their accommodation. Cleanliness of the room accompanied by comfortable atmosphere present the guests with an unforgettable experience. Atlas Hotel is near to Isfahan Shahid Beheshti International Airport and Naghsh-E Jahan Stadium so it could be considered as a good choice for athletes traveling to this city. To make it better, sports lovers could enjoy using billiard table and gym at the hotel. As the hotel is located in the hearts of the industrial district of the city, it is also proper for travelers with business purposes. Outdoor restaurant and coffee shop of the hotel serve qualified delicious meals and drinks. Conference and banquet halls of the hotel are always ready to host ceremonies and reunions as well as conferences and meetings.
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